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Valentine’s day resolutions - en février

___By Vincentia Kapsi

Chapter 3 - February is a scam

I would like to hope that everyone knows this by now, but just to be on the safe side, I’m going to mention again that Valentine's day is not a real holiday, unless we are strictly referring to the two men, both named Valentine, that Emperor Claudius II executed on February 14 of different years in the third century. Don’t get the wrong idea, I absolutely love the decorations, the heart shaped chocolate, little hearts everywhere and everything cute. I don’t love the color red, but as I jokingly said once “the brand is pink, purple and passive aggressive”. It’s a pun, please don’t be passive aggressive guys.

So*, despite these guys' martyrdom 1600-1700 years ago, and Valentine’s day having roots as a romantic occasion for lovers for the last 600 years in multiple cultures and countries around the world, capitalism has plunged its talons into the day and has made really good use of it to move substantial amounts of merchandise. Greeting cards, decorations, chocolate, teddy bears, Hallmark movies, roses, so many roses, candles and heart-shaped anything, you get the idea.

While reading up for this - yes I’m actually not an endless fountain of knowledge, I love research! - I came across the fact that in Finland, Valentine's Day is called ystävänpäivä, which means "Friend's Day" and this day is more about remembering friends, not significant others. And let me tell you, coincidentally this really matches my original idea for this post, and what I’m here to talk about today! Part of the inner circle has already read the Gliederung (the word for outline in German, the skeleton as we say in Greek) for the post and can attest to this.

* I’m pretty sure somebody once told me, I’m not meant to start sentences with “So” but if this is an actual literary crime, lock me up and throw away the key.

Chapter 4 - Doing things for the plot

This month, I did not attend any play or concert, or anything that would fall under the lifestyle and entertainment umbrella, but I was the main character and took myself on vacation! Yes, when you work during the summer season, this is actually the best time to go on a little holiday. Rumor has it though, a Greek angel walked down the streets of Mönchengladbach one night this past month, and took a little sneak peak on what a techno party might look like. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Unofficially, and speaking of friends, here’s an honorary mention to our no-longer friends, and the idea that we should host an annual party to which we invite anyone who bullies us on the internet, to meet in real life, so we can put things in perspective and be reminded, keyboard warriors do exist and we are too bright to let them dim our shine.

You see, even though Valentine’s day is mostly made up in a lot of ways, there is the very understandable and very human emotion of feeling left out, or lonely, sometimes. And even though my leftist friends will hurry to remind you “this isn’t a real holiday, it’s an invention of capitalism”, I secretly plotted and succeeded in pulling off a very nice friendly gathering on the day of! In truth, the main goal of this vacation had nothing to do with sight-seeing, or resting, but it was all about meeting friends who live abroad in person again! You know how usually, when you’re a guest in someone else's house, you feel a little bit uncomfortable? Well, I did not feel that at all. Everywhere I was, I felt like I was home, safe and loved. I guarantee you I’m not even exaggerating and I’m known to from time to time. Somebody said “flying all the way for one walk” but yeah! Let’s do it! By experience, I can confirm it’s worth it. Some things you genuinely cannot put a price tag on, they are invaluable. Like sitting in my best friend’s kitchen, holding his hand, while we drink coffee together. We have not been put on this earth, only to work, sleep, and pay bills. I like to think that these little moments that make my soul happy are what I’m actually working for. 

Maybe the loves of your life are your friends and yourself.

P.S. It’s okay if, in parallel to enjoying life and the company of your friends and taking good care of yourself, you still hope for someone to love on you. In simple terms, to be loved on, means that they will love you as much as they can. They will treat you well, respect you and take care of your heart. It’s a kind and gentle expression that means they will be there to love you, in all ways, unconditionally. I will delve into my deep hatred for people trying to treat love as something transactional in another issue. This is all for now, see you next month! 

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